It's now a daily event.....a media story on global warming being man made! But we might as well not even try as the latest yet-to-be-released study will say the effects of man's influence on warming will last 1000 years. Wow, the sky is really falling!
And even without the release of the study some findings (I love how a study like this contains findings instead of theories...as if everything in it is a certainty) are presented in a biased form. For example one "finding" is that "the last half-century was probably the hottest in at least the past 1,300 years". Of course this is to suggest man's contribution in the last 50 yrs, easily our dirtiest period on earth has caused warming. But why 1,300 years? The supposed "experts" decided to include a 1,300 year window for some reason. It's not that we have accurate temperature measurements for that period...we only have it for about 100 years, so why? Well, it's easy to guess...if you include more time the warming we see in the last 50 yrs looks like NOTHING.
We have had several ice ages on earth...most of which saw nothing you would call a "man" or man made gases or pollution of any kind. The last ice age ended about 10,000 years ago where very thick ice extended from the north pole down into the middle of our country...AND GUESS WHAT...it warmed up...what caused that? If this study looked at our minuscule rise in average global temperature over the last 50 years as compared to the last 10,000 years it wouldn't make a case for MAN's influence...so they don't!
Most all studies are like this....include and detail only those points to fulfill your original theory. But you see, we have evidence of multiple ice ages that nobody disputes and each time we warmed considerably. That's proof of multiple natural global warming cycles.....the evidence left by the ice is solid, the evidence greenhouse gases are causing warming is not..it's far more theoretical...so tell my why you know a few degrees of warming isn't just part of the continued natural cycle of the warming from the last ice age? I feel like I need to say this every time...this isn't an argument for unchecked polution...it's an argument to stop taking everything your fed at face value!
Tiny, what is your real name?
yeaaa this sites itte still.. getin mans essay sorted.
You don't sound like you really know what you're talking about...where's your proof(Sources)? I have a statement that I got from treehugger.com that:
"It's not a natural cycle (if it was, it would be incredibly slower than what we're seeing now and it would still need a cause)." (http://www.treehugger.com/files/2006/06/4_stages_denial.php) Check if you don't believe me. :)
what the heck is this? you have too much of your opinion stated and its really distracting from the evidence.
This is rubbish. Yes every 100 thousand years the earth goes through a global warming period, at the moment we are in a warm period, however never in the earths history has it ever been continuanlly this warm.
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